Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Your Internet Marketing Made Easy

Marketing online has become the preferred method of promotion and advertising for both web and home businesses. Internet marketing gives business owners the opportunity to target their chosen audience, while often receiving instant results. To accomplish your goals in the internet marketing field, you must first familiarize yourself with general promotional and marketing facts. Just a few simple tips can help you build your business into all that you desire.

To produce a significant income from your business, you must first find a way to gain visitors to your web site. Generating traffic is very important in internet marketing. It is a good idea to visit other web sites with a similar audience as yours to aid in the development of your internet marketing plan. Affiliate programs are an ideal source of traffic generation, as well as, web site advertising. As the internet expands, so do the many ways to bring customers to your site.

The word "free" is one of the most powerful internet marketing tools ever. Offering a free trial or sample on your web site is the perfect way to get potential customers excited about your business. As in any marketing plan, creativity is a must. If you are not able to dish out any free goodies, why not create a special offer or discount? It is essential that this offer is only offered at your site; this shows that you are willing to try something different from other business owners. Innovation can be the key to success in the internet marketing game.

Developing an honest and solid reputation in the business community is a necessity. Customers need to feel secure purchasing from you, and not worry about disclosing their personal information through your servers. Most consumers look for a seal of approval such as the Better Business Bureau Online icon. Once customers trust you, your business and internet marketing aspirations can continue to prosper.

Your RSS Marketing Strategy: Deciding How To Deliver Your RSS Content

You're interested in RSS marketing, but there either seem to be so many options of how to do it or you've only ever come accross simple RSS feeds that just don't seem to be the approach you're looking for.

The problem with most RSS marketing plans is that the marketer doesn't really go beyond providing a simple RSS feed for all of his online news or his blog. But since you've been reading this column for a while now you know for a fact that RSS offers so much more.

To get started the right way you need to correctly plan your RSS Marketing strategy, starting by deciding how you are going to deliver your RSS content.

The right way to go, even if you're only starting out with a simple RSS strategy, is to provide individual RSS feeds for:

--> your individual target audiences,

--> your different types of content and

--> even your different content topics.

Think of this as a consequtive list of how to develop your RSS strategy.

--> TARGET AUDIENCES Start by listing the target audiences you want to deliver your content to via RSS. Each of your audiences has different content needs, resulting in different groups of RSS feeds that need to be created for these target audiences. One group for the media, the other for your employees, the other for the general public, the other for your existing customers and so on. You can even go further and divide your master groups in sub-groups, based on their prevailing interests.

--> CONTENT TYPES Now consider the different types of content you want to deliver to these audiences. For example your latest news, your blog posts, your how-to articles, your press releases, your podcasts, the latest posts from your forums, direct communications messages and so on. In most cases these types of content don't mix well together. If someone wants to receive your blog updates, which are full of your company representatives' personal opinions and commentary, they don't want to receive your corporate-speak press releases.

If someone is interested in what's happening in your forum and what the latest forum posts are, they don't want to receive your how-to articles in the same RSS feed, simply because these two types of content are so much different. And so on. Essentially, you will need to provide separate feeds for each of the different content types, and you will need to determine what content types you wish to deliver to each of your target audience groups and sub-groups.

--> CONTENT TOPICS Finally take a look at each individual content type for each individual target audience and further break that down by content topic, if needed. And if you're trying to cover many different topics for each content type, you will need to provide different RSS feeds for these different topics, because, again, people interested in topic A are not neccessarily also interested in topic B.

While this may sound complicated, it's really simple once you start doing it.

The point is, this is about giving your subscribers choice of what they subscribe to. Instead of forcing them to subscribe to everything, allow them to subscribe to only what they want and need.

Quite simple, right?

Just remember that you should only break this down as far as it makes sense, keeping in mind the actual content that your target audiences want from you.

Depending on your business, you just might only need to communicate with one target audience, deliver only one content type and deliver only one content topic for that target audience.


Once you have your RSS content mapped-out, you need to consider how you are going to make this content available to your target audiences. This is especially important since it's going to influence the tools you need to get started with RSS publishing


This is about as standard as it gets --- publishing one RSS feed to meet the needs of all of your target audiences at once or publishing multiple topical RSS feeds, which always remain the same. The easiest to do, can be done with any RSS publishing tool on the market …


The more and more complex you get with the different feeds you're offering, the more difficult it is for your visitors to select what exactly they want, simply because an individual subscriber might be interested in 10 of your 100 feeds, but he doesn't want to be subscribed to that many feeds by your company.

In this case the best way to go is to also offer your visitors the opportunity to customize your RSS feed à they decide exactly what content type and content topics they want to receive in one or a few RSS feeds they'll be subscribing from you.

The opportunities here are quite endless, as you can allow them to customize their feeds based on topics, content types, authors and more.

If this is the way you need to go because you are offering so much content via your RSS feeds that it makes it difficult for someone to subscribe to only one or a few feeds from you, you will need your RSS publishing solution to support feed customization.


Search-based RSS feeds are a subset of customizable RSS feeds, and they work just like a search engine. You type in a certain keyword or keyword combinations and the search engine gives you the most relevant or the latest results for that keyword combination.

You can do the same with RSS, allowing your visitors to enter specific keywords and then get the content from you only based on those keywords.


Giving users the choice to customize the content they are receiving from you is one thing, but certain content may actually demand you to personalize the feed using your subscribers personal information.

The most basic variation, used to lift response, is addressing your subscribers by name or using other data about the customer from your database, such as his address, previous purchases etc.

In other cases a bank might want to deliver information directly relating to your bank account, directly via RSS, such as your latest credit card transactions, and so on.


Now imagine that you want to create individualized campaigns to individual subscribers, based on the information you already have in your database about their activities, demographics and so on, for example to send a promotion for product A only to those subscribers that might be most interested in product A.

In this case you will need an RSS solution that can pull this data from your database and then segment your subscribers based on the actual data.


Since their introduction, e-mail autoresponders have become a relatively mainstream internet direct marketing tool, although they haven't really made their way to the world of public relations.

The concept is simple à a certain action by your visitors on your website triggers a sequence of e-mail messages, delivered to that visitor, provided you have his e-mail address, over a period of several days.

Direct marketers use this to automatically communicate with the prospect after a certain action, trying to get him to do what they want.

The most common application is offering your visitors a free report, delivered to them via e-mail. After subscribing they start receiving consequtive parts of the report day after day or a every few days, receiving both new information as well as being exposed to the marketer's promotional message.

Other applications include autoresponder messages in relation to transactional e-mail:

--> Subscribe to a free e-mail newsletter. The first autoresponder message thanks you for the subscription and also gives you access to one of the newsletter issues. A couple of days later, while you're still "hot as a lead", you receive another e-mail, pertaining to the newsletter topic, giving you more advice or information on the topic and trying achieve a sales conversion. And so on.

--> Complete a webstore order. The first message thanks you for the purchase and recommends an additional product at a lower price. The second message tells you more about the product you purchased. The third messages makes a special additional purchase offer. The fourths message gives you some great additional tips, and so on.

--> Start an online order, but don't finish it. The first message reminds you that there are still products in your shopping cart. The second message reminds you again, giving you added inscentive to complete the order. And so on …

The opportunities are practically limitless, but you get the picture.

Now simply transform this concept into the realm of RSS.

Someone subscribes to your RSS feed. The first couple of content items, spread-out through the first week, serve as a series of welcome messages giving the new subscriber access to your top content and inviting him to actively participate. Your latest feed updates come through as well, but your new subscriber also gets the extra treatment (content) in the same feed.

And now apply this to anything you're doing with RSS, where it makes sense to follow-up with additional information to your new subscribers once they subscribe, of course depending on the feed topic and target audience.

Very few RSS tools today offer autoresponder capabilities, but some do.


Think of your RSS publishing strategy and try to establish which of the these publishing models your RSS publishing tool should support:

--> Topical or Target Audience Oriented RSS Feeds --> Customizable RSS Feeds --> Search-Based RSS Feeds --> Personalized RSS Feeds --> RSS Feeds With Content Targeting --> Autoresponder RSS Feeds

Monday, November 22, 2010

8 Steps to copy each time irresistible Email

= > Step # 1-WHO you THINK that you are TALKING to? Before you get to sit write your sales letter mail, that you have to exactly who your audience is. This is a master key to getting results of email marketing. Ask yourself these questions:-what your prospects/customers want? -What your prospects/customers most frustrating? -Who is selling something similar to you? -Why should your prospects/customers you believe? -Why do prospects/customers respond to you instead of someone else? -What kind of occupation will respond to your target market?

= > Step # 2-A big topic IS your item before an email might generate results, recipients need to open it. But what can you do to spark their interest and their importance "engine" revved up? Your SUBJECT LINE is the key. There are four types of email formulas that you can use as a guide in to edit your email address. Each has a different psychological appeal like magic works for the consumer. Here are some examples:-State a powerful advantage-"Empowerism Satisfies your need for leads"-Pique curiosity-"Empowerism Has Uncovered the secrets of success"-write your subject line with a news-corner-"Empowerism launches RSVP for those who want to double their money fast!" -Providing instant gratification-"with Empowerism RSVP, you can start Money reels before the sun goes down tonight" here is a major "homework assignment": at least 25 subject lines before you write about which decides to use. Take the best two and test them against each other in your marketing campaign. (The "losers" to use it for other purposes or later firs save.)

= > Step # 3-What's in it for them? Sit down and write every conceivable advantage your product. Don't know the difference between the features and benefits? Attributes describe the product; advantages of the results of the use of the product. Features to appeal to the logic ... logic justifies emotion ... emotion drives sales (see below). Here's a rule of thumb for advantages: you wonder "what can my product or service do for my customers?" Then begin to write your letter telling your reader what's in it for them. Tell them how much better life for them after they buy from you. Tell them how much better they will feel. Tell them how their peers will respect them more.

= > Step # 4-AN EMOTIONAL APPEAL when promoting something for everyone, you must not forget that buying decisions are based on emotion and later supported by logic. Before a single word, determine what emotional hot buttons you have to push to "jumpstart" your prospect. Sale of health supplements? Go for the "fear of illness" button with "A natural way to save your sight." The sale of political bumper stickers? Press the button "anger" with: "let the President know what you think of his policies." Other buttons include: curiosity, greed, ego, vanity, hope and fear of scarcity or safety.

= > Step # 5-A NAME YOU CAN TRUST to convince to buy your product or service, you must believe that your proposal is credible and that you (or your product) will deliver as promised. How do you do it? Here are three ways you can build credibility with the readers of your sales letter:-provide testimonials. -Approval letters of authority in your industry – create your listing and promises genuine and believable.

= > Step # 6-A guarantee today, trying to sell without warranty of any kind is a losing proposition. You've got to have one. And the stronger your warranty, the better your reaction will be. And, believe it or not, although most people don't ask for a refund, they will trust you to know that your offer you. You can offer a 24 hours a day, 30 days, 60-day, 90-day, or even a year. And here's an interesting fact: the longer the term, the fewer returns you! It's human nature to procrastinate, so the more time that someone thinks they have that to a refund, the more they will be postponed or forgotten all about the refund.

= > Step # 7-DON'T FORGET TO ASK it happens all the time. Someone makes a fantastic sales presentation, and then does not close the deal because he/she clearly not to the order of questions or the process confusing instead of simple made. -Research: statistics show that you ask for the order at least three times to close sales must be substantial. (Some studies put the number 7!) If you can, offer several ways for your prospects to--keep consumer choice. It tells them, "you are to talk directly with me and my unique needs." If you only have a way to order provide crystal clear how and how easy it is. To describe it in detail and ask for the order. Then ask again.

= > Step # 8-the eyes have IT it is a known fact: large blocks of copy are intimidating and will often send people running for the hills or at least the Remove button. The solution? Members in two to four sentences break. Use different subheadings in the e-mail letter. And use of asterisks, hyphens, and dots (...) to your copy more rhythm. Bullet points are excellent eye-catchers-use them where necessary.

Consumer Mailings

One of the best ways to remind yourself of your customer about you and what you do for them is to keep them on a consumer mailing list. This is one of the best ways to return customers. Always ask a customer right before they check out if they want to be added to the consumer mailing list.

On the Internet-websites is the best to see a window that the customer can check if they choose to be on the list. The less information that they have to fill out the better, too many blanks out will cause them to decide not to continue with the consumer mailing list. Not inundate consumers with mailings, once they are on that list. It is annoying for the customer and expensive for you, the business owner.

Keeping mailings to monthly events keeps you fresh in their minds and the most likely source that they will turn to when they need to get more of a product you have to buy. Also consider the fact that they stuck to your newsletter or ad can keep for future reference. This is a great opportunity for you to offer incentives to consumers in these consumer mailings focuses. When sending mailing lists to ensure that it is efficient for you.

Programs that are designed to send consumer mailing lists as efficiently as possible. If you choose not to use a program to have the names of consumers organized so that ever in your company is responsible for the mailing is the sending of correspondence that is not them a lot of time. Consumer mailing lists have to be practical and efficient for both you and your customer. Them to an appropriate to hold and to ensure that they are relevant to issues relating to your business will keep your customers focused on what you want them to know.

If you want your newsletter will be too long for them to keep reading it as they do other things that they need to tend to dull. Steps to increase the efficiency of your mailing list of the consumer will support your business growth potential and bring more business your way through you to keep at the forefront of the mind of your customer. Consumer mailings are one of the most primary tools that your company can use its business ventures. Or the consumer mailings via regular mail or via email your business will surely much benefit from it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

10 Quick and easy steps to build a highly targeted and responsive opt in list

We've all heard it that in order to stay in business online you need to build a Targeted 'Opt-In' list. Well... I truly have to agree with that simply because this is where you'll always have a consistent source of FREE Targeted traffic(also referred to as 'Sticky Traffic') to promote your offers or related information to for years to come.

It just makes sense, wouldn't you say? And, we all know that 'Email' is where the $MONEY$ is truly made when it comes to marketing your business online because it gives You the ability to Follow-Up your potential customers until they decide to buy from You. But, the problem that usually takes place is that people don't know where to start when it comes to building there own targeted Opt-In list.

Now, for those of you that are new Internet marketing and don't know what a 'Opt-In' list is, here's a quick definition: An 'Opt-In' list is simply a database of peoples Names and Email Addresses that have subscribed to an email list via a web form giving that list owner permission to send them periodic emails on the topic they are interested in. Notice how I said, "giving that list owner permission to send them email".

When they subscribe to your Opt-In list they are giving You permission to send them offers or related information on the topic they are interested in, this is known as 'Permission Email Marketing'. This is the ABSOLUTE safest form of email marketing where You won't get accused of 'SPAM'. This is very important that You understand this from the beginning.

So, now that you have a clear idea in your mind of what an Opt-In list is and how it will benefit You and your business, I guess it's time to share with you the simple 'Ten Step Process' that I have put together for you on How-To build your own targeted Opt-In list that you can email your offers to at any given time for $Profit$.

Step #1. Pick your Target market or Niche. This is a very important step because this is where you need to figure out who your target market is going to be for the Product or Service your going to offer. So, for example, if I was interested in selling a book related to Internet Marketing, well then, my target market would be Internet Marketing related.

Step #2. Can your Target market or Niche be reach online? This step is where you need to do a little research on whether or not your particular target market can be reached online. In order to do this you need to do some keyword research using keywords related to your target market. You can do this by using the Overture keyword research tool located at the URL I've provided below. http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ Simply type in the keywords related to your target market in the form provided. This will give you a detailed history of how many searches have been made in the last 30 days on the keywords related to your target market. As a general rule, if your targeted keywords aren't pulling in 15,000 or more searches per month, then this is a market I wouldn't pursue simply because there isn't much demand for it.

Step #3. Are they making money in this Niche? This is where you need to do some research on your competition to see if people are spending any money in this Niche. You can do this by going to Google at http://www.google.com and type in your targeted keywords related to your Niche in the form provided. This will give you a list of search results. Those results are your competition, but even more important, to the right you'll notice little ads. These are paid ads offered through Google Adwords. This means that somebody is willing to pay to advertise and is paying attention to this particular Niche and must be making money if they're willing to pay for advertising. That's good news for you.

Step #4. Use Forums to find your Target markets problems. Forums are a great place to find out exactly what your potential customers TOP problems are by simply scanning there posts and looking for the most common threads. By doing this you'll be able to know right away what your target markets TOP problems are and how you can help solve there problem. To find Forums related to your Niche simply visit Google http://www.google.com and type in your targeted keywords with '+ forums' after your keyword.(ex. internet marketing + forums)

Step #5. What's keeping them from getting what they want? This is where you have to figure out whats keeping them from getting what they want in order to fix the problems they are dealing with, meaning, this is where you need to work with them to find a solution to there problems. Whether its a Product they need or a Service of some sort.

Step #6. What can you offer them to solve there problems? This is where the money is being spent. Now, the only thing you need in order to receive your share of the revenue is a Product or Service that will solve your potential customers problem. If you don't have a Product or Service of your own don't get discouraged. I'm going to give you two resources where you can find products or services that You can become an affiliate for that are related to any Niche that will pay you a commission for every sale you make by simply referring your traffic to there website. The two websites to visit are http://www.clickbank.com and http://www.associateprograms.com

Step #7. Set-Up a simple direct response mini-site. Here is where you Set-Up your lead generating website with a Follow-Up System that your potential customers will come to and Opt-In to your list to start receiving offers or related information on the topic or problem they are having. This is a very simple process to do and you can view my website as an example of how one would look. http://www.internetwondersezine.com If you don't know how to build your own website you can always hire someone to do it for you by going to... http://www.elance.com

Step #8. Get an Auto-Responder account. This is where you'll be laying the foundation down for your list. You MUST have an Auto-Responder account Set-Up before you make your mini-site go live because this is where your potential customers are going to come and submit there Name and Email Address so that you can start building a list to send your offers or related information to. So, do not miss this important step.

Step #9. You need to figure out what 'Bait' to use. What I mean by 'Bait' is... what are you going to offer them for FREE to get them to subscribe to your Opt-In list. Here are some examples of what you can use as 'Bait': ebooks, special reports, mini-courses, coupons, etc. These are the most common. It really depends on who you are targeting, so be creative.

Step #10. Reach out to your target market. This is the part where you send traffic to your website in order to get subscribers. I'm going to mention only two methods. These methods are the most POWERFUL and for good reason, they work. The first method is Writing Articles. By Writing Articles your showing your target market that You are someone who knows how to help solve there problem and may have a possible solution for them. This is the quickest way to build INSTANT credibility in your Niche. The second method is to send targeted traffic to your mini-site through Pay-Per-Click search engines. Pay-Per-Click search engines are where you bid on the keywords terms related to your target market and are listed according to the highest bid for that keyword term. By using PPC search engines, it will get you infront of your target market Instantly. Writing articles gives you INSTANT credibility and will put you infront of thousands of readers, and Pay-Per-Click search engines send you HIGHLY targeted traffic to your website within minutes depending on which PPC search engine you are using. The More traffic you send to your website, the More subscribers you'll receive. It's simply a numbers game. Well... there you have it, "10 Quick and Easy Steps To Building A HIGHLY Targeted And Responsive Opt-In List".

Now... it's up to you to take the neccessary Action in order to get started with your own targeted Opt-In list. If you already have an existing web business online simply implement the steps outlined above to your existing website. These are the 10 basic steps required in order to get your Opt-In listing building started in the Right direction. Simply follow them and you'll be on your way to receiving your first subscriber in No Time.

Design of an email newsletter for viral marketing

The term "viral marketing" was originally referenced in Greek Athens histories, to be finally invented in the late 1990s by venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson. The term "viral marketing" is usually defined as network-enhanced word-of-mouth. Viral marketing is considered to be very similar to network marketing.

It is proven that the typical Internet user is very vocal about their online experiences. So in this way, for each person you reached, you reach a group of friends. Viral marketing is all based on their vocal online experiences. A typical example of viral marketing is a renowned company, say birthday greeting cards. At the bottom of the card will have the option of giving the card to the sender or to someone else you might like.

This is the viral marketing in action! Or maybe you have a newsletter, or writing articles for a newsletter, you can add a rule to the bottom of the article says, "know someone who would be interested in this? Click here to email it to them! "the potential client is definitely on this icon. Viral marketing is considered a virus that over the Internet to different webhosts or people. This virus is stealthy, patient and cunning, and is a very cost-effective way to generate awareness of a product or service to the public. In short, a viral campaign is said to be easily from small to very large scale.

This means that the campaign with only a dozen people know about the product begins to be placed on the market. These ten people than tell, in turn, another ten people each, making it a hundred people who know about the product. This is certainly a cheap means of advertising, such as no money will be used for advertising. There is no need of creating a new form of communication network for viral marketing because it usually makes use of the existing communication networks consisting of the product and the computer.

Viral marketing is indeed a great means of giving away from seemingly valuable products, the series or the content to the general public. Not only that, the virus takes advantage of other resources, without to have all the sources of their own. Now learn about viral marketing, you feel like creating your own virus for marketing. But to make your own virus, you understand what exactly should a successful virus. To create a successful virus, you should have of creativity and originality to create the virus authentic. Now that the virus is created, have knowledge of how viruses spread be learned.

The most important thing to remember is that if the email, the Web site, the application or the video of the virus is being shared is not unique and informative, will be never be viral. The virus has come from a credible entity, otherwise it will be confused as blatant advertising and thus immediately discredited. Finally, if the leave-behind post on the website does not resonate with the target group, then it is a waste of time. Viral campaigns usually have three stages, seed, germination and growth.

Just as plants the seed must be genetic material quality thrive and then successfully get sprouted and receive the right nutrients to grow, have also this online viruses the same treatment. Viral marketing must start with a big campaign that grows with its ad by word of mouth of the people. However, there are some situations where viral marketing also failed. The reasons for failure are usually not compatible with the brand, the irrelevance target group, unrealistic expectations and lack of sustainability. So remember, if the campaign is in violation of core brand attributes, or not to assign existing sales targets, the viral marketing is certainly not.

If the message of the product does not resonate with the target group, is sure to be some malfunction on the campaign here. Then you can of course for all of this, a design an email newsletter for sale on if necessary. The newsletter has, like other newsletters, a detailed description of the product on the market. They can then images to the appearance of the newsletter, but in reality, black text on a white background indicates great response from the audience. There must also be a subscription link in the newsletter so that the potential buyer on the Newsletter Subscribe can if interested. The contact data is too important for you if you can then send emails tell the customers are adjacent to each new product you may have!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A healthy dose of Trust Works Wonders with your email list

While the rest of the world have developed many barriers and protections to keep their e-mail accounts spam-free, there are also people who sign up to receive emails that different products and services and to promote their sites. This is mainly because these-in Subscribers opt would like to know more about what these sites offer and good for them.

They expect to be kept posted on what they are interested in and whats new in the market or the field that they have chosen. Companies would be so lucky to have these kinds of customers is the basic element necessary for this kind of people, trust. When your customers confidence in you, they will reward you with their loyalty. Many Internet users have gone to great lengths to protect their e-mail account from spam mail.

Some Internet providers of free, Web-mail and internet service providers offer spam protection, while there are also some Internet based companies that screen are your mails for you. With an opt-in subscriber list post, the email you send with your promotional materials such as newsletters, catalogs and marketing media. The recipient will be able to read and view what you sent, which makes it a successful transfer of information.

In order to be allowed to do this, you will need permission from your receiver, to this permission; You must be able to get their trust. With the general lack of disregard for privacy on the Internet, the confidence of an Internet user, you don't personally know is a great achievement. To build a good opt-in subscriber list should you people trust in you, for a quicker and quicker build up, you need to update your opt-in subscribers to trust you quickly.

The faster you build your opt-in list the faster word about your site and company gets to spread. The larger the range of your opt-in list the more traffic you get, what means more profit. The math made easy as you think about it. Getting the numbers is not that easy though, or perhaps is it? The confidence of your customer base may not be so difficult, especially if you are a legitimate business need.

Your customers trust should be based on your expertise. People rely on other people who know what they are talking about. Collect all the knowledge and information about your company. Frankly if you decide to go in a company, you probably already have an interest in. Such as how many basketball players become coaches venture you not really into something that you don't have no interest in. Show your customers that you know what you're talking about. Provide them with helpful tips and guidelines that relate to what you are selling.

Talk about how to install a roof if you roof shingles will not sell or provide articles on insurance benefits, you're a settlement Attorney. You don't have to be a large company to make use of an opt-in list. If your customers you as someone who knows what he does and says they will see you soon trust. His allegiance to your customers, you want to hype of your products and services, guarantees.

The more satisfied customers you get, the greater likelihood is that they will recommend you. In General, people will trust someone they know, when someone recommends, you're a shoo-in. They will go to your site, check it out for themselves and be given a chance to experience what the others of you have experienced, so make sure to be consistent in the service you provide. Another tip in getting a customer to trust you quickly is to help them an escape hatch.

Show that you are not there to trap them. A clean list that would allow to unsubscribe whenever they want. Enter your Web form by providing information on the log off of the list. Them that they can let go of the service if ever they want. Many are wary that life can be pasted and abandon their e-mail account should when they are bombarded with spam.

Please bear in mind that when you have the confidence of your customers don't lose that trust. Because if you leave with their e-mail addresses if they sell or give them out, you will lose many of the members of your list, as well as potential members. The true quickest way to get the trust of your subscribers when you recommended by someone they trust.

E-mail etiquette-losing companies when you ways fog

Network etiquette is seen as one basic rule: consideration for the other party online. So far, is the edict written primarily from the point of view of relationships between individuals, or between businesses and consumers. An important group has often forget: business-to-business (B2B).

Business-to-business etiquette is a growing, evolving behavior model for how to present themselves and the company represent when online networks. It is for this group that etiquette the most crucial role. The slightest incorrect behavior online can ruin a good business opportunity.

The guidelines were adopted with no central source but through a collaborative process that grew along with the Internet where businesses fail to request reciprocal links asking for free advice applications business services where companies Business operators new on the Web are missing are eager to recruit perspectives and partnerships online but are generally ignorant about how to go about professional.

Without knowledge of the B2B etiquette, your actions can be taken for roughness or incompetence, leaving the other party with a bad impression of your company. Whether you are recruiting new partnerships and relationships with current companies to build, is the key to preventing misunderstanding and give no offence.

When sending mail: Fight the urge to be creative using multiple fonts, sizes and colors. No HTML or rich media, either. Keep it all in plain text. Keep the punctual. Do not write a long email and do not use jargon or talk to an exaggerated hip posture. For your signature file, do not use a cute quotes (unless it happens to be the slogan of your company).

Watch your Show. Do not speak in terms of how big you think your company is. Speak from the point of view of the other company to say, "look what we can do for you." Size matters. People email by sending large, unwanted attachments do not bind. If you send a large file, give warning, check at a time most convenient to send, such as before or after normal working hours, or send it in segments.

Be careful. It is possible that something funny to you might seem downright insulting for someone else. Even if the person on the other hand, has no problem with what you send to other people in their Office look at the offending message. If you tend to indicate whether the person to tell you what you have, ask for a non-business e-mail address that you can send it, where they are able to review with more privacy.

Requires reciprocal links planning to have a hyperlink on your page to a business site? Proper etiquette includes notice the site owners. Explain why you would like to have them on your site, where you want to have them, and the description that you plan on using their link. If you use another company to link to your site promotion are, some background information.

Provide a brief introduction, a description of your business and how your site would be a benefit to the prospect of the public. Make sure your link is of the other company site of interest. If you have a car company, not you must have a Web design company for a link yards. Offer something in return, such as a reciprocal link, that is to say, you have a link to another site, and/or some specific comments about the site.

Leaving not requested with a good impression when you expect something and nothing to offer. A generic link request is about the worst thing you can do. It shows you have nothing to say about the site, and still expect you its operator to do something for you. Request a free opinion there is nothing wrong with your colleagues ask for advice.

However, expect free business advice from people who you do not know personally and for your own profit-is a very touchy subject. If you are set up of a company or person that you have never met for advice, yourself with the utmost care. 1. introduce yourself. 2. Enter your profession and/or skill background. If you're a student, indicate where and what you are studying. 3. explains why you need advice and how you intend to use it as you want to make a better impression, call an interest of the person site or work and what you found to be useful or interesting.

Most importantly, before you folks for opinion in search of that first-person websites than the search engines and directories-to see if the answer is already available to you. Even if the company is not the answer available, will be showing you in an effort make the owners more open refer you to another site that might have the information you are looking for. Requests from business services if you are using another company to provide you with services are soliciting, it is incredibly rude to expect a work commitment without a contractual arrangement.

Some common examples are: the owner of a company to look at your Web site or your other online work to tell, and ask what would improve Expecting business owners to give a few examples so they wait for your decision offers to pay for work on the basis of higher turnover, such as pay for performance. If you want to work some security and service quality, watch a portfolio and ask for referrals B2B etiquette resources to know how to get yourself online with the same degree of formality and professionalism that you would in a face-to-face meeting.

The next time you relations with a new company is trying, stop to think how the person on the other hand, it is likely to receive your communications. Put yourself in those shoes and ask, "what kind of impression do I?"

Friday, November 19, 2010

A good letter can make you a fortune in direct mail

Copyright 2006 Peter Woodhead article this is the seventh in a series of ten. Now we go back to Maxwell Sackheim. Sackheim is also known for the "book-of-the-month" club of origin. So what can you learn from the Sackheim book-of-the-month club? More than you think. People are lazy.

It is not easy to get people to take some kind of action. That's why a lot of advertising used deadlines and limited time offers. Sackheim used this human attribute in its own advantage. Each month, members of the Club of his book would be informed of that month book selection and unless she replied that they do not have the book wanted-it was assumed that they did, and it would be then mailed out to them.

Smart! Sackheim gave rise to the idea and now every "on-the-month" club works like this. Have you experienced this? Maybe you're thinking: "this would not work for me" or "my company really is different" than you are missing the point and just not creative enough. Can you Sackheim the "negative option plan" for your business.

If, for example, you have a Web-based company, you can create a member or subscription site that regularly, monthly income brings. Your customers credit cards may be recharged every month for their renewal of membership. People are lazy will rarely their subscriptions bringing you a beautiful Cancel recurring revenue stream.

Sackheim the negative Option Plan forcing people to cancel their innovations. Many cannot just be bothered. You can take advantage of this little piece of human psychology. Of course, you have a good product or service that the value for the money. In 1917 Sackheim met a young man named Victor Schwab who he hired as his private Secretary. Schwab, working alongside Sackheim soon developed itself in a good copywriter.

Maxwell Sackheim also wrote a great book about marketing called: "my first 60 years in advertising". This book is now out of print (as most of these classics) but if you are interested in the work of Maxwell Sackheim there is a book available by Jerry Buchanan called: "Billion Dollar Marketing." You should be able to get your high street bookstore or on Amazon. On similar lines to the "character" formula is what is called the "open letter" technique. 1921 Publisher a.w.shaw collected 5,063 letters that big sales had created for their creators.

The publishers limit this list down and published 72 of these letters. This 72 were analysed and dissected. The result was their publication: "72 letters and what made them pay." This book contains sections on the letters that open doors; letters that increase in turnover; letters that perspective into your friends; in fact, letters for many occasions. 72 of them. There are examples of letters that attracted 18% to 20% efficiency.

Letters that 61% yield. What would you give for return like that? Take for example this introductory phrase: "there's a man in Boston that has a unique way of making a living." Now who are not interested in that? Most people, and that's why they keep on reading the rest of the letter. Even if you have something to entice your prospect to respond, yet the letter to be effective.

Within the above opening sentence was a good enough "hook" to get the prospect to continue reading. But the letter had to sooner or later the "Big Idea" reveal. Suffice it to say that this particular letter got the results (a 61% return) and the pull of such a letter makes it well worth studying. "72 letters and what Made Them Pay" assists you with your search of a persuasive letter for any situation, no matter what line of business you are in.

And you can book at: tis http://longlostmarketingsecrts.com 1923 John Orr Young and Rubicam form young and Raymond Rubicam in Philadelphia. 1928 BDO merge with Garry Batten co. to form BBDO with billing of $ 32 million. 1928 Victor Schwab and his partner took the Sackheim agency after the Sackheim decided to ' movie ' a day. He was responsible for creating ads for Dale Carnegie; Charles Atlas; and Sherwin Cody's courses (such as Sackheim).

His famous works included the best selling thirties classic: "how to win friends and influence people". He wrote a number of articles: "how to write an advertising announcement" and a step 5 formula. His series of articles were later turned into a book, also known as: "how to write a good advertisement." 1930 James Webb Young worked as a professor and his lecture notes used to publish his first book: "man how to be an advertisement." 1930 Advertising age is launched in Chicago 1934 was another master writer Robert Collier.

He went to work in New York for his uncle of publishing. His first successes were that he many thousands of the Harvard Classics sold. These were books compiled by Dr. Eliot of Harvard and sold by Collier as what became known as the "Famous Five-Foot Shelf of books." Collier had an idea of writing a number of books on psychology. He worked day and night to get them ready. The books were titled: "the secrets of the ages." He has sold more than 300,000 sets of that title and went on to more self-help titles and books to write.

He was a prolific writer, but his best capacities were in writing killer sales letters. In 1934 he wrote, the now famous: "The Robert Collier letter Book." Here are just a few of his secrets to writing sales letters. Collier became famous for a letter in particular. Are: "you will do me a favor?" letter. He came up with this idea when he read about a manager who asked one of its competitors for a favor-he wanted to know how to handle customers who benefit of their conditions. And this technique helped to bring together the two companies.

Collier thought this technique works well in print. He was not wrong! One of his letters was responsible for sales of 20,000 raincoats and more than a dozen other products. The letter contains some strong psychological principles. Also, people want to help. Just as Collier knew all those years ago, people want to give advice. If you have your business offline operation, questions in your direct mail or your letters for people's opinions.

If you are on-line, is a good technique to use polls. If people are still not ready to buy, they love to express their opinion. It is even stronger if you give them something for free in return. Anything of value, as a report with some useful information. But what ever you give them, it's useful. Now maybe you're thinking, OK, his letter were more than 70 years ago. Certainly, this technique is outdated. Think so? Just before his death in 1950, Robert Collier was asked to get his 15 most powerful and hypnotic letters. These were compiled and sold as: "by Robert Collier million dollar sales letters."

All about email marketing

Email marketing and newsletters can be sent with more confidence for less than most of the contest. Emails are priced according to the quantity that you purchase, so the more you get, the less they cost.

Email marketing solutions when they have to: making customer communications more efficient and improve the productivity of their marketing resources improve email marketing deliver power — their communications are delivered to the highest percentage of recipients as possible speeds up customer acquisition and conversion rates of their email marketing efforts, tracking the performance of their marketing efforts from communication of transaction — connecting campaigns in palpable return on marketing investments leverage dynamic content for customized one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many email marketing communications reduce their marketing costs while enhancing the performance and productivity of their marketing resources make it easier and faster for customers to buy their products and services than any other marketing or sales channel integration voice, fax and sms text communication channels with their email marketing efforts maximize web analytics data customer acquisition, customer retention and customer growth to improve results.


Marketing leaders across all industries — business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-mail marketing as their core channel for purchasing, maintaining and growing customers.


Bulk email hosting is affordable and bulk email may even be free.Bulk email sender of email newsletters, targeted email campaigns and e-mail announcements. Bulk emailer is easy to use mass email software, which is used to bulk email.

Apart from these practical considerations, there is also a strong argument that says that in the long term successful email marketing relationships with clients and others can only work regardless if they are permission based. it is important to stress that anyone who is considering email marketing on the topic of permission and spam should read. by offering value added services to your existing customers with email marketing software, you can build indestructible customer loyalty, a competitive advantage, and the average order value per client.

8 advantages of using an email marketing Software

If you decided to use email marketing to promote your business, let me congratulate you with this very wise decision. You may, through the internet the buzz created by this type of marketing have read, and I'm sure you've already learned that "the money in your list is"-this 100% true.

Although email marketing is a very powerful way to transform leads to hungry buyers many people are discouraged from using this technique because of the time they need to invest in it. A recent study has shown that approximately 75% of people who use email marketing needed between 15 and 50 hours per week to treat it.

If you're like me, then you are a very busy person who can't afford to spend that much time on email marketing. So is this why I decided to get a list of the major advantages brought by Mailloop 7. 0., the best email marketing software on the net.

1. you get an opt-in form template that comes with complete instructions, so you easily can add to your site.

2. It saves each email saves you valuable time and headaches.

3. The e-mail new subscribers a welcome message just moments after opt-in. no longer prepare and send emails to hundreds, even thousands of subscribers manually.

4. Mailloop gives you attractive templates to use for your newsletter, so that it looks friendlier looking to your subscribers.

5. keep your e-mail secure spam complaints, blacklists or filters so that it doesn't get thrown away.

6. you can change your schedule so you can go on your holiday without worrying about pausing campaigns.

7. you can use as many autoresponders as you need, making so many campaigns, write as many e-mails as you ... of heaven to the limit.

8. to manage all this from a completely user-friendly control panel.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Can you really use articles To Build Your List?

To get customers to your site should always be ranked as high as the importance of the quality and the quality of the product and the services you provide. They should go hand in hand in providing your customers satisfaction that they get in return for the money they have paid for them.

Customer service needs as well as fantastic so that the customer shall bear the same satisfaction. One of the ways you can combine marketing and customer service is through opt-in marketing. With an opt-in list you will have the opportunity to get your site and the products on the basis of a good time.

Opt-in marketing strategy is a marketing strategy that is virtually low cost and not time-consuming. Here, you get the permission of visitors to your website to subscribe to your newsletters and other promotional materials such as catalogs and free promotions. Opt-in marketing makes use of your list of subscribers to email.

These emails contain the materials you send to your subscribers. It is essential that you present your promotional items in a way that will capture the interest and the eye of your subscribers to keep them wanting more. The best way to do this is to have fun, entertaining and informative articles. Well written articles full content and useful information will help in building your list as more subscribers will be tempted to your list.

When they see the samples of your content in your sites, they will have read intrigued about what's next is to come. A subscription to your newsletter will offer a glimpse of what you offer next. Many sites and companies have recognized the importance of articles caught and this also aid in search engine optimization. As more people go on the way to the Internet for their information needs, will serve the correct information to them via articles in your site to increase the flow of your website traffic. With more traffic, the percentage of your sales grow.

Convert More sales, more profit. There is the rise of the importance of well written, and keyword enriched information packed articles for the content of their site as well as for newsletters. These articles contain the information that many on the Internet are looking for. If your site has, the more people to your site for information and research. Well written articles would also boost your sites reputation. If they are filled with a lot of information you will be considered to be well informed and an expert on the subjects you tackle. Your articles have to be examined, so that people will trust in you.

When you have gained their trust, they will always come to you for their needs on that topic. Connection, you must write articles or set to tackle the issues that closely with the nature of the work of the Commission. If you have a site for a medicinal product to a specific disease, your articles about the diseases. Or if you sell materials for home improvements offer articles with those themes. Most of the articles was looking for his tips, guidelines, methods, manuals and the like.

If you use these items to your customers and you have their trust, they will always go to your site for help and advice as well as for your products. With the loyalty of those customers, they can subscribe to your opt-in list with all the information that you have received. If you provide them with the answers that need, they will be happy to receive your newsletters, as well as other promotional material to keep them well informed.

Others can even forward your newsletters to other people, when they find a particular article interesting. So that when other people are reading and want to read more, they can click on the link and go to your site, you must use the links in your newsletter. With the items you have in your site that are good, they may decide to also subscribe to your opt-in list. This will compile your list and make it bigger.

Make sure that your subscribers keep happy and interested in your newsletters and promotional materials. Keep on posting and writing good articles for your site and newsletter. If you're not interested in writing them, or if you simply don't have the time, there are many available well experienced and knowledgeable writers available to help you. This is an investment that for themselves in time will pay.

Build a list of the Power of subscribers to make money online over and over again

Build a list of the power of loyal subscribers who are willing to gobble down anything you throw at them is the key to maintaining and expanding a business online.

This list will be the main focus of an online business to make money online with success. Each online business offers a great product or service aimed at solving a problem for the customer and generating satisfaction. This satisfaction that customers of the product or service can get make them be loyal repeat customers and you can make money online over and over again. They may even be so satisfied with your product to you and recommend your site to other people.

The first step of building a list of the power to take advantage of your current traffic and entice them to subscribe to your mailing list or opt-in. This list of subscribers has agreed to receive promotional materials such as newsletters and catalogues to keep them informed of the latest updates for your company or niche.

Such promotional material will be sent via e-mail to the subscribers at different times or if an occasional broadcast message. Email marketing is the perfect medium of advertising for online businesses. With email marketing there is no need for a high cost as sending an email is absolutely free. Build a list of the power of the subscribers will ensure that what you send them received, read, and not easily removed. Email marketing allows you to make money online with success if you a base of loyal subscribers.

Your emails should ideally consist of information about all your products, new products or services, as well as of any promotions and special offers that you are currently experiencing. Tell them that these promotions are on your way to say how special your subscribers are to you and your way of thanking them. Making them feel special, you will eventually make huge profits in the future. May there is a chance that they will even forward your promotions to other potential customers if they recommend you and your site to their families and friends to make money online with ease.

Occasionally, subscribers shall be terminated if they feel that they don't get what they want or expect. It is not possible for you to please everyone, but it is possible that you improve your email marketing strategies and your subscribers loyal and enthusiastic. The following are some tips to build your own list of the power of responsive subscribers that you make money online many times late. Do some due diligence and research into what your customers are looking for.

You can do this by simply asking them what kind of information or service they desire in a broadcast email. This will also show that you really think about your customers and thus contribute to a long-term relationship and loyal. You can even go a step further and seek out new and exciting things that you think they'll be interested in. With new and fresh things to excite your customers will certainly keep them nor for your next email.

Ensure good and valuable information with great articles will also be keeping your subscribers happy. They are interested in this niche and will definitely value of good information. If your subscribers enjoy your articles, will they go to your site by clicking on the links you have in your newsletters to read some more places. Making your articles, diverse and interesting, such as writing humorous articles, to ensure that they are good. With both information and humor in your articles, you can rest assured that your subscribers are going to be happy and loyal.

Are you afraid that you will not be able to offer great articles will because you didn't write, this is not a problem. Item many professional and experienced writers who work for you for minimal cost. They know what they're doing and the need that you have for your newsletters. The money you are paying for your articles are going to be met with good reviews, which are in potential revenue and profit result for you.

But of course, this is your own online business and no one knows more about better than you. Ideally, you're the best person to write the items to make money online with success will allow. A great way to "one up" article writing is to create and send an e-book to your subscribers on your niche or company. Use your knowledge and expertise in the field that you chose to help other people who also are interested in, and in turn they will help you to make money online. You can write about anything informative and useful for your subscribers.

If you're not writing, hire a professional to create for you for a small fee. Offer this eBook for free on your site to entice more subscribers and also to your current subscribers. This eBook to share with everyone and even other sites. This eBook will improve your credibility and might possibly be passed around to more people than your current range of customers. Your eBook with your website link in it is a very powerful tool to make money online fast and easy way. A final tip is to add e-coupons in your newsletters that will your subscribers special discounts.

Make it such that the e-coupons can be used only once. Your subscribers will be strengthened in order to find special discounts in your newsletters. This will in turn make them happy to receive your newsletters in anticipation of what you are following. Build a list of the power of subscribers and keep them loyal, happy and responsive by far the most profitable way to make money online with success.

Your subscribers will benefit from your expertise and you'll be able to take advantage of them as well. This is an incredible win-win situation which will grow into a mutually beneficial long-term relationships that can only mean more business for you and help you to make money online over and over again.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Writing e-mails with a purpose

How many times have you? You open your inbox just to see another long, seemingly endless list of emails. To open each one, be careful to give "a part" of them 10-20 seconds of a quick scan. If something catches your interest, read you, and when this is not the case, it's a quick click (delete key) and you click move. If this is your pattern, you're not alone.

This scenario is repeated by thousands, if not millions of Internet users every day. Know this pattern makes the task of Internet marketers even tougher. Our ability to cultivate and retain a significant numbers in a downline is directly determined by our ability to maximize these precious few seconds of the time reading. Do you have what it takes to write an e-mail and the answers that fly in? Most of us send emails almost every day. We do it all too often out carefully.

Consequently, these emails are often written and sent to not less than perfect and in order to produce the desired result. The purpose of sending mass email is usually meant to attract visitors to a Web site to display in place of a sale, therefore it is important to your time and your target exactly for writing the define e-mail message. Here are a few tips to help you along the way: keep it simple and short. Avoid the use of long or technical words like some people cannot understand.

Do not use a three words where one will suffice. If the email is long and full waffle boredom sets in and is without any doubt it is likely to be removed before the end of it. The opening paragraph is vital. If it doesn't then with the reader right away have you wasted your time sending. It is true that even the best writers spend time editing and rewriting their articles and emails. Start with an eye-catching headline. It may have been a question or statement.

You must grab their attention right away. Make sure to look at it from the readers of your point of view, it is powerful enough or exciting to make you want to read on and discover the end result? Headings hook perspective and lead them to the next line. There you start to their interest to ensure that they read the next sentence ... and each subsequent to build one. You might even find that it's worth offering a free gift or a monthly newsletter that would help their business.

There are plenty of free e-books on the Web that you can give away. If it is the intent of your email to a sale than offer a guarantee or a full refund. This should any concerns that they may have. A cheeky way to test out your e-mail address is sending a few friends who are interested in business, add a message at the end of it and ask them to e-mail. If you do not receive a reply, take it as a sign that maybe your email was deleted before they go far enough to bottom of the message to your message.

When this happens it is a good idea to have your email and remove any unnecessary text before you head back out to your list. The exact techniques and methods that you use depends on personal preferences, product differences, market conditions, and so on. However, The basic approach is to ensure that you give it some preparation and work before them out. You'll be surprised at pleasant makes the difference. Note: you have full permission to reprint this article in your website or newsletter, as long as the article completely intact and the resource box "about the author include". Thanks! :-)

A beginners guide to ISP inbox delivery

We have reviewed black list, I wanted to spend some time looking at where the rubber the road becomes mail delivery: the Inbox of the ISP. Let us be very clear about this for targeted campaigns for consumers, there are 4 major ISPs that the majority of consumers manage mailboxes. • MSN/Hotmail Yahoo Mail • AIM Mail • Gmail what this means? In principle, unless each of these mail platforms relay your message to the primary folder, is your email campaign is far from being optimized. What causes mail to be delivered to a bulk/spam folder? All these ISPs can report spam their users with a "report spam" button.

The Internet service provider (ISP) used this feedback to create a profile for your email. If users report spam your email as you will encounter problems. What can I do to make sure that I make no ISP spam complaints? AOL recommends to keep spam complaints under the 1-3% of the traffic, depending on volume. This figure is unique for AOL users database; It's too generous when applied as a general standard. Is at or below the range of a complaint by 6000 to 8000 messages, or 0.013 percent.

Minimizing complaints minimize complaints always starts with the practices that are used to collect email addresses. It should be clear now unsolicited email only gets you in trouble. Mailing lists with the lowest rates of the complaint are confirmed opt-in or well managed one opt-in.

If you a strong permission-based list but still find incoming complaints are higher than the optimal or rise, consider the following:

• make your subject lines. Mail systems with spam complaint buttons offer the level of the Inbox. A recipient must only scan subject lines and decide which messages do not need to remove immediately. A subject line such as "exciting offers for you, Bob!" will surely be flagged as spam.

• Consider using the name of your company or newsletter in square brackets at the beginning of your subject lines.

• Consider in addition to the instructions at the top of your email, including unsubscribe to the footer. Some users use of the "report spam" button as unsubscribe method and a whole post to find that link will not go through.  Instructions for users to whitelist your domain record. This prevents a user-based filter confuse your message for spam and diverting to the spam folder or where "[SPAM]" on the subject of the message.

• Offer a preferred update page. Disclose how your organization from a subscriber e-mail addresses, will use it and how often. Allow subscribers to select preferences on the form opt-in email, or linking to a preference or profile update page.

 • Avoid spammy looking content. Try not to be too flashy, bold fonts; use large, red letters and the like. Avoid images with bad compression quality. A clean and readable design is not as likely to be confused with spam.

• Do not have email. If recipients expects to receive a few informational e-mail messages each month of your business, not suddenly start sending two or three each week.

• No unexpected e-mail. If your chosen subscribers "Trends & Tips" newsletter, send them your hard-sell e-commerce messages unless they are clearly invited them.

• Opt-in information. If possible, add it to your e-admin area information, such as the subscriber e-mail address, date of opt-in, and how they potentially subscribed (product registration, white paper download form, sweepstakes entry, etc.). With a lot of subscribers daily dozens of commercial e-mail messages received, it's easy to forget to sign up for your newsletter--and then to a complaint.

What can I do to test my ISP deliverability? We recommend you use a service like EmailReach. Their process is free and we'll let you know where you are located in about 5 minutes. http://www.emailreach.com/default.aspx After these guidelines should help you to prevent bulk foldered by major ISPs.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Achieving the right tone in Email

Are your e-mail messages to casual? Or are they too formal? Use the right tone? E-mail messages are different from typed letters. You may not "to" formally in a letter. In a formal email looks too stupid. What is the right tone for an email? --something more casual than a letter.

Yet there is a fine line between relax and stiff. To some extent, the attitude and culture of your company to determine the amount of formality is required. For example, flower shops and hotels are not as formal as a bank or company law. As you compose the message, consider the person who will read it. Know your target audience. The job becomes easier when you reply to a message. You can already see the show of the sender.

All you have to do is match that Show. When in doubt, seek a Show that is professional, yet conversational. An easy way to reach a conversational tone is the use of contractions (I will, we will, he is, she is). It is also acceptable use of pronouns. In conversation, we use the words "I", "we", "you." So, use this in emails. For example, sounds "it is. .. suggested" very stiff. Instead, try, "I suggest that ..." Be careful with the pronoun "I". You should also use a lot can be observed as selfish. You want to not display pompous. If you find that a plethora of "I 's", try to rewrite every other sense. T

his will be the creation of diversity and that pesky personal pronoun is not so clear. Email is a great form of communication. Remember that your old typed letters writing style should be adapted, so that your messages are not arguing and stiff. On the other hand, email is not a license to be sloppy. The most effective e-mail messages to find a happy balance. They have a conversational tone.

A guide for user friendly email newsletter templates

User friendly email newsletter templates work for the person who is offering the newsletter, because they are easy to learn how to use; are attractive to potential customers and clients; and are affordable.

But probably more importantly, this email newsletter templates are customer/client friendly: they have large enough fonts, use a logical organization, have a few colors to distinguish entries and headers, and have opportunities to link, so that the readers of the newsletter will be able to read full articles (such as just the teaser appear in the body of the newsletter may), can go to the webmaster of the site to read the newsletter in a different format or related links can visit (items, and sites referred to in articles, for example).

I subscribe to newsletters from many writers, such as they are the best for helping us freelancers jobs, prevent the scammers and deadbeat customers (who write product and run without paying), and learning more and better ways to writing, a writing business, etc. walk ... One of the reasons than those I choose to subscribe and read the ones that I do is because they (the webmasters) clear decent email newsletter templates.

I say this as someone who is aware of the needs of the decent email newsletter templates that have high readability, which is "user-friendly", if you will. I will give you some examples of newsletters which are fantastic for all of the above and more. Angela Hoy made a newsletter every Wednesday called writers Weekly.

Moira Allen distributes http://writingworld.com's newsletter for writers. Krista Barrett issues an award-winning newsletter writer sheet. Dave Copeland issues a daily newsletter for freelance writers, which one can get by visiting http://freelancewriting.com. And then case offers a writing for dollars newsletter, which features many of the writers. And also every Wednesday Jenna Glatzer crosses a freelance writing newsletter of its site, http://absolutewrite.com.

I call the Jenna newsletter last if they like the most is concerned with its readers, always opening each issue with discuss a letter what she is doing, what we do, what the world of the writers do. Glatzer, current with easy-to-use formats. That is, they updated the look and feel of the absolute write website, forums and newsletter writer.

She seems therefore constantly looking for email newsletter templates that reader needs, objectives and intentions facilitate. Its sites and newsletters, always changing, always progressive, have a huge following … for the reasons stated in the opening paragraphs above. You may like oriented, well-intentioned, and successful with your own newsletters!

top 10 tips to writing effective Email

We communicate nowadays, more and more via email. We use email communications to write something to friends, relatives, colleagues or customers. Who is the recipient of your email, it is becoming very important that you write email effectively. As you know, by writing effective email, you can save your time, other person time and you can win more trust & confidence from the other end.

Give reply by E-mail as soon as possible

More and more people contact each other via email.Even if they call directly or not, they expect quick responses.One of the study by Jupiter Research indicates that 35% of the customers expect an answer within six hours, an additional 55% expect an answer within 24 hours. Although many people focus on response time, is just as important. content from the same study indicated that lack of a thorough answer (45%) lead on-line customers to a company will be negative when considering future purchases.

Learn the art of writing Email

Poorly designed emails will generate additional emails back & forth, which might be eating more of your time. Worse, they can drive unnecessary calls to your most precious channel – your phone. And at that point, the customers are bound to be angry and frustrated.

Here are some tips for writing email replies that is both thorough and suitable:

1. format your answer so that it is easy to read on a screen.Do not write email using very long sentences, which long horizontal. each line should be brief. Ideally, 5-6 words writing in each line only and no more than that.

2. make sure the subject line is concise and to the recipient ... not just a general meaning

"Response of Marketing Team" but be careful that it seems not spam.

3. Have one topic per paragraph.Call this separately by blank lines, so its easy to read and understand.

4. be brief.Use as few words as possible to convey your message. more is not better if

it comes to email.An email is not seen as an electronic letter.

5. use simple explanatory phrases. for a third or fourth grade audience, writing

especially if you are using templates that will be automatically sent. you do not know the

level of training of the sender or the sender's level of comfort with the English language.

6. be sensitive to the tone of the original e-mail message if the sender is angry because of an error on

your hand, recognize the error. Clearly what you are doing to correct the situation.

7. make sure you answer all the questions posed in the original investigation a partial answer.

the sender frustrates and leads to additional contacts. It also makes the company send

the reaction look awkward.

8. clarify what actions you will be next and when the writer can expect the

following contact from you.

9. do not ask to an order number/case number or old information you out of your mind remember it only when one is included in the original email … sounds pretty basic, but sometimes people very clear info in mail, Miss.

10. don't tell the sender to your website. in many cases they already

the web site and couldn't find the answers they were looking for. If you want them to go

back to the website, provide a direct link to the exact information to the reader.

For more information, visit: http://www.infotrex.com

Monday, November 15, 2010

Diamonds in the spam

There are people who save apoplectic at the time of receipt of unsolicited commercial email, often dubbed spam. These are the same people that hundreds of bulk letters addressed to "Occupant" without batting an eye. Getting rid of junk mail means sorting through the stack to pull out the major pieces and then dumping the rest in the Recycle Bin.

The garbage piles in landfills and Ocean dumping grounds, while the trees continue to fall to more and more paper. Email can quickly be scanned and then removed, forever disappear into cyberspace, caused no pollution or building and require no consumption of non-renewable resources.

My Inbox is I headed to the world, daily scanned with excited eyes for this unexpected pieces that appear out of nowhere. I've found of delicious deals, developed new areas of interest, and have followed seductive links to websites that everlasting favorites-all because of unsolicited messages.

My answer is that, unless I shamelessly pornographic material, spam, and I hope it keeps coming. Unfortunately, those who feel the purity of the Internet is somehow violated, have resulted in a cyber world where everything requires confirmation, double or triple opt-in lists, bounce incoming messages by non-intelligent filters, and calls on multiple complaints to Internet service providers (ISPs) who are compelled to investigate and respond.

The Internet is so great because it is very resistant to the urge to co-opting by the Government, large corporations and the rich and powerful. It is the great leveler where even the most humble can connect with the world. We will fight to maintain that, even if that 30 minutes of our precious daily time means spent removing unwanted messages.

E-mail marketing

Technology with its arrival has taken a toll even in the field of marketing at last. E-also known as electronic mail, is now turning out as an indispensable medium of marketing on the Internet. Internet as a whole has a broad marketing area due to the fact that the whole and wide spread over the entire word. This makes it accessible to almost every country, and ultimately to the people in the country.

E-mails are very techno-savvy and more effective and fast. This is why we are now able to see emails to develop as an indispensable medium of marketing. Over the years, its people and business houses started to realize the benefits of email marketing. E-mail marketing helps a lot of advantages.

Some of the advantages are:

a) Speed: this is the main factor why email marketing is considered a better and more than the other media marketing. Email marketing brings with it the advantage of high speed. E-mail marketing has a very high speed of data transfer. It only takes a second for the person to information of his work to the Internet worldwide, where everyone can view it all over the world.

b) to reach: another factor why email marketing is considered to be a better option because of the fact that there is a better reach to the people around the world than the other media marketing. E-mail marketing knows no bounds and this helps the people to continue or enter their marketing work in larger scale. The upper reach of email marketing, attracts more people and thus helps the whole marketing process.

c) cheap: email marketing is relatively large and more cheap than that of the other media marketing. The people have no special or additional costs to their product or point of market. Cheap suits the people and they therefore utilizing email marketing than other media.

d) effective: email marketing is very effective for them than the other media marketing. The reason for this is that they are very techno-savvy, very fast and still reasonably cost-effective. This whole package makes email marketing very cheap and quite attractive. This is the reason that e-mail marketing pretty effective and thus more accessible.

e) personalized marketing: email marketing makes use of the people the possibility of using and personalized marketing. This allows the people send e-mails only to people who they think that they are interested in being would. Only In these mails are forwarded to people whose concern is interested. Thus we see that why and how email marketing has turned out to be an indispensable tool in marketing.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

5 Surefire Tips for Effective Email Marketing

Over the past few years, research has continued to prove the benefits of e-mail marketing for business: low costs, high conversion rates and detailed tracking are all notable features. But e-mail marketing is becoming much more than just a tool for spammers and e-businesses. Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy on the differences between spam and permission-based emails, and more and more of them are accepting permission-based e-mail marketing as a positive replacement for direct mail.

The best news is that the majority of people who receive permission-based e-mails open, on average, 78% of them.

Jupiter Research reports effective email marketing campaigns can produce nine times the revenues and 18 times the profits of broadcast mailings. But crafting an effective business email is both an art and a science. Here is a list of factors, potential problems and effective solutions to keep in mind:

1. Spam! Spam! Spam! I don't need any Viagra!

The average consumer receives more than 300 emails a week, 62% of which are spam. No wonder there's such hostility towards the industry. But spam filters, bulk folders and "report spam" features are helping consumers become more at ease about the perils of spam. While 89% of users cited spam as a major concern in 2003, that number dropped to 85% in 2004, proportionally to an increase in the use of spam-fighting tools.

So as a permission-based business email marketer, what can you do? One tip is to remind your subscribers to add you to their "safe senders" list. The second, and most important, tactic is to make sure your email marketing service provider has a good relationship with ISPs. This will ensure that your email marketing campaigns go into your subscribers' inboxes, not their junk mail folders. When choosing an email marketing software, make sure the company has strict anti-spam policies and complies with the guidelines of Can-Spam.

2. Images and formatting: Why do my emails look broken?

Broken email campaigns are an increasing concern among email marketers, especially since several companies and web-based email providers now block graphics as a measure to combat spam. In fact, according to ClickZ, 40% of email marketing messages delivered to inboxes are "broken."

This was actually something that came up during Eliteweb's beta-testing phases, as we had a client in the Canadian Government whose recipients were mostly using highly secure email programs. The solution we came up has now become one of our key competitive advantages.

What Eliteweb does is it publishes every single email marketing campaign sent to a secure location on the web (a location only original recipients of the email can access, thanks to encrypted technology that automatically authenticates the user). The technology also ensures you can track your users' behaviors, even if they are reading your email campaign at the secure web location.

3. Personalization and relevant content: In a business e-mail, one size does not fit all.

In a recent study by DoubleClick, email users were 72% more likely to respond to a business e-mail if its content was based on the interests they had specified. That number points out the absolute importance of allowing users to choose their own interest groups and have control over which business e-mails they receive. The most popular interest categories, according to the study, are coupons and household goods.

But your coupon is no good unless the user opens the email. Users in the study said the most compelling reason for them to open a business email is the name in the "from" field. So it's a good idea to make sure your company name is clearly stated there. Another major factor is the "subject" line. Users cite discount offers and interesting news as the most compelling subject lines, followed by new product announcements and free shipping offers.

4. Click-through and conversion: Show me the money!

So the user has opened your email and read the content. Great. But where's the sale? There's good news here. For one, consumers are increasingly likely to make purchases as a direct result of a business email campaign. One-third of users in the DoubleClick study had purchased something by clicking a link on an email. Another 42% clicked on an email link for more information, then purchased the product at a later time. Second, online couponing is booming: 73% of consumers have redeemed an online coupon for an online purchase, and 59% have redeemed an online coupon offline.

In terms of industries, the top performers are travel, hardware/software, electronics, apparel, food, home furnishings, gifts/flowers and sporting goods. All companies sending business emails in those categories said between 71% and 80% of recipients have purchased their products because of an email campaign.

There's no need to fret if your company doesn't fit in to one of those industries. The overall landscape for email marketing conversions is looking brighter every day. The average click-to-purchase rate has increased nearly 30% since 2004 and the average orders-per-email-delivered rate has increased more than 18% since last year.

5. Stats tracking: who are my real consumers?

E-mail marketing is an increasingly popular tool in effective CRM, and it's about time more businesses recognize that. First off, if your provider's email services for business do not include detailed, real-time tracking, you're getting a raw deal. Real-time tracking is now an industry standard, and it's highly valuable, as it allows you to see the exact moment a user opens your campaign, clicks on your link and makes that purchase. Studying your users can help you improve your communications efforts, so each campaign performs better than the last (several email service providers also let you compare the performance of your campaigns).

But many marketers are still in the dark. According to a recent WebTrends research, only 5% of marketers are very confident in the measurement of their online marketing efforts, while 26% admit they're "flying blind." WebTrends says the low confidence comes from a lack of knowledge when it comes to measurement, which means there's still a lot of work to be done.

In email marketing, a blind shot won't take you very far. But if you aim properly by following these essential rules of play, you should soon be reaping the same major results as so many online and offline businesses.

3 Ways To Build A Quick Profitable Opt In List

The following paragraphs summarize the work of opt-in list experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of opt-in lists. Heed their advice to avoid any opt-in list surprises.

You finally realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and sought expert advices and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advices to the T and you still weren’t able to make a profit.

In fact, you may be losing money. You maybe hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, your still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.

So what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you dived straight right in. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. This just not the case. Just because you wrote people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.

Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.

1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first. Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.

Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.

If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.

2) Find a product or service that people want and need. Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.

While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.

3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.

Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.

Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.

Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in opt-in list. When people start looking for more information about opt-in lists, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.

7 Pitfalls of Using Email to Sell

* Fear of rejection.
The sheer negative force of anticipating rejection makes people turn to e-mail to generate new prospect relationships because it hurts less to not get a reply than to hear that verbal "no."

* Getting blocked by gatekeepers and voicemail.
When salespeople don't know how to break through the barriers of gatekeepers and voicemail, they start thinking, "Forget it -- it's not worth the aggravation, and it takes too much energy. I'll just e-mail instead."
However, when you try to use e-mail to offer your product or service to someone who doesn't know you, you can't possibly establish the natural dialogue between two people that allows the trust level to reach the level necessary for a healthy, long-term relationship.

We all know how much everyone hates e-mail spam, but even so, many salespeople are still sending introductory e-mails to decisionmakers. They feel that, because they're from a credible organization, they won't be associated with the negative image of a spam solicitor.

However, these introductory e-mails typically contain the traditional three-part sales pitch -- the introduction, a mini-presentation about the products and services being offered, and a call to action -- and this traditional selling approach instantly tells the recipient of the e-mail that your only goal is to sell your product or service so you can attain your goals, and not theirs.

If you're still using email to sell, watch out for these 7 pitfalls:

1. Avoid sales pitches. If you feel you must use e-mail to start a new relationship, make your message about issues and problems that you believe your prospects are having, but don't say anything to indicate that you're assuming that both of you are a match.

2. Stop thinking that e-mail is the best way to get to d ecisionmakers.
Traditional selling has become so ineffective that salespeople have run out of options for creating conversation, both over the phone and in person. However, it's best to view e-mail as a backup option only, not as a way to create new relationships. Try to use it primarily for sending information and documents after you've developed a relationship with a prospect.

3. Remove your company name from the subject line.
Whenever you put your company and solution first, you create the impression that you can't wait to give a presentation about your
product and services. Your subject line should be a humble reference to issues that you may be able to help prospects solve.

4. Stop conditioning your prospects to hide behind e-mail.
When you e-mail prospects, it's easy for them to avoid you by not responding. Also, they get used to never picking up the phone and having a conversation with you -- and they may want to avoid you because they're afraid that, if they show interest in what you have to offer, you'll try to close them. This creates sales pressure -- the root of all selling woes. This avoidance becomes a vicious circle. If you learn to create pressure-free conversations, you'll find that you'll start getting phone calls from prospects who aren't afraid to call you.

5. Avoid using e-mail as a crutch for hand ling sticky sales situations.
Are prospects not calling you back? Many salespeople who call me for coaching ask how they can get themselves out of sticky situations with prospects -- but the e-mails they've sent have already triggered those prospects to retreat. It's tricky to come up with the correct softening language in an e-mail that will re-open a conversation with a prospect who has decided to close off communication -- direct, person-to-person phone calls or meetings are much easier and more human.

6. Avoid using "I" and "we."
When you start an introductory e-mail with "I" or "we," you immediately give the impression that you care only about selling your solution, rather than being open to a conversation that may or may not lead to a mutually beneficial match between what you have to offer and the issues your prospect may be trying to solve. If you can change your sales language to a natural conversation, your prospect will be less likely to stereotype your message as a spam solicitation.

7. If you can, stop using e-mail selling altogether.
There is a way to renew your confidence and eliminate your reluctance to picking up the phone and have pleasant conversations with potential prospects. Learn a completely new way of working with gatekeepers that will get you past voicemail and to your decisionmakers without the rejection and frustration that are inevitable with traditional selling approaches.

For all these reasons, you should think of e-mail as your last resort. If you can learn to pick up the phone without fear, start a trusting conversation with a gatekeeper, learn how to go beyond voice mail and find your decisionmakers, you'll join the many who have made their own personal selling breakthrough.